Sunday, August 30, 2009

Didn't get anything accomplished yesterday. I found a disc (one of those floopy ones) that has a large chunk of memoir on it. I have pages of paper, several other discs, and some hastily scribbled notes. It is not much to work from. I think I need to get it all organized and in one place (I love flash dives) before much more can be accomplished.

I did find my Bertha T story that I want to send to a professional journal. I may work on that first. The contest dealine is Oct 31.

Then there is another short story contest for Writer's Digest with a Dec 1st deadline.

Anyway, I think I will spend the day putting all the memior stuff together in one place. Remembering the sage advice of someone who is published--Start something, finish something. It is hard to finish a memior. My life isn't over.

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